Monday, March 13, 2017


Today I did a spelling test and I got 11 out of 12 and I'm hoping to do it right next week.
Today I did a maths activity and this is what I have done so far.

My Maths sheet :)

Today in my maths and i did a one digit addition maths sheet c list and this is what i have done. I got most of them right and none of them were wrong.😇😇😇

My Fantastic Mihi :)

My Mihi
Ko Jhasmine toku ingoa.
Ko Geovani toku papa.
Ko Maria Rebecca toku mama.
Ko Waikato river toku awa.
Ko Maungatautari toku maunga.
Tena koutou Tena koutou
Tena koutou Katoa.
A family of 4 went to an amusement park. they had 182 dollars and this is how i figured it out : i gave each person 4 rides and it is ten dollars per ride .